
Curse of the Thunderbird Photo

Published on 5 weeks ago by Tom McKenzie

The mystery of the infamous Thunderbird photograph has captivated enthusiasts for decades. This elusive image, said to depict hunters posing with a gigantic bird, has been described by many but remains untraceable. Kevin Guhl’s upcoming book promises to shed light on this enduring enigma, a project six years in the making.

Key Takeaways

  • The Thunderbird photo is a legendary image that many claim to have seen but cannot locate.
  • Kevin Guhl’s book is the most comprehensive investigation into the Thunderbird photo to date.
  • The search for the photo has been fraught with strange occurrences, leading some to believe it may be cursed.

The Origins of the Mystery

The Thunderbird photo’s legend began in the May 1963 issue of Saga magazine. An article titled "Monster Bird That Carries Off Human Beings!" by Jack Pearl featured a vivid illustration of a man battling a massive bird. This article included a tantalizing mention of a photograph published in the Tombstone Epitaph in 1886, showing a giant bird shot by two prospectors.

The Players Involved

Two key figures in the Thunderbird saga are Ivan T. Sanderson and Hiram M. Cranmer. Sanderson, a renowned biologist and writer, shifted his focus from natural history to cryptozoology, founding the Society for the Investigation of the Unexplained (SITU). Cranmer, a local folklorist, had a wealth of regional stories and was deeply interested in the strange and unexplained.

The Search for Frank Graves

In 2018, the author of this article, having just completed a book on the Nahanni Valley, sought to track down Frank Graves, a man linked to the Thunderbird photo. Graves had reportedly owned a copy of the photograph and had investigated strange bird sightings in Pennsylvania. This search led to a collaboration with Kevin Guhl, who was already fascinated by the Thunderbird photo.

The Curse of the Thunderbird Photo

As Guhl and the author delved deeper into their research, they encountered numerous obstacles. The notion of a curse surrounding the photo emerged, especially after two alleged copies were lost in fires. This idea was further reinforced by the misfortunes that befell those who sought the photo, including technical failures during the making of this video.

The Cultural Significance of the Thunderbird

The Thunderbird is a powerful symbol in Native American mythology, often associated with storms and rain. Its form varies across cultures, from a divine force to a massive bird capable of carrying off large prey. The legend of the Thunderbird has evolved, intertwining with modern sightings of giant birds, which some attribute to the original myth.

The Role of Memory in the Legend

One intriguing aspect of the Thunderbird photo mystery is the phenomenon of false memory. Many people believe they have seen the photo, but this may stem from the vivid descriptions and discussions surrounding it. Memory is malleable, and the influence of post-event information can lead to confabulation, where individuals mix their experiences with those of others.


Kevin Guhl’s upcoming book promises to be a definitive resource on the Thunderbird photo, exploring its history and the strange occurrences surrounding it. As the search continues, the legend of the Thunderbird remains a captivating mystery, blending folklore, memory, and the quest for truth. Stay tuned for more insights as this story unfolds!


Tom McKenzie

Tom McKenzie is the enigmatic lead writer for the Unexplained Network, a channel devoted to unraveling the world’s greatest mysteries and unsolved phenomena. With a knack for storytelling that blurs the lines between fact and fiction, Tom has become a master at weaving intricate narratives that keep audiences on the edge of their seats.


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