
Most Credible UFO Sightings Erased By The Government

Published on 5 weeks ago by Tom McKenzie

Every now and then, it’s important to wrap or rewrap your head around some UFO and alien encounters, as a reminder of why the world is UFO crazy. Yet, we still don’t have any official answers about what they are. Here are five credible UFO sightings that have been erased by the government.

Key Takeaways

  • UFO sightings often dismissed by authorities
  • Witness accounts are compelling and detailed
  • Government investigations frequently inconclusive
  • Public fascination remains strong despite skepticism

The Day UFO Chased A Jumbo Jet

On November 17, 1986, a routine cargo flight turned into one of the most baffling UFO encounters in aviation history. Japan Airlines cargo flight 1628, a Boeing 747, was cruising through the cold skies of Alaska when something extraordinary happened.

Captain Kenju Tachi, with over 10,000 flight hours, was at the helm. As the jet reached 35,000 feet, two unidentified objects appeared at their 11 o’clock position, hovering about 2,000 feet below. These massive objects, each the size of an aircraft carrier, moved with an agility that left the crew in awe.

  • The objects were visible to the naked eye, shining with an intense brightness.
  • They performed impossible maneuvers, darting in front of the Boeing and illuminating the cockpit.
  • The crew felt heat emanating from the crafts, as if drawn into an invisible vortex.

After several minutes of this cat-and-mouse game, a gigantic walnut-shaped craft appeared, seemingly the mother ship. Captain Tachi reported the sightings to Anchorage air traffic control, where radar operators confirmed the strange crafts shadowing the jumbo jet.

Despite detailed sketches and descriptions provided by the crew, the FAA’s investigation was inconclusive. Officials dismissed the sightings as misidentified military exercises or hallucinations. The story gained traction but was quickly buried, leaving Captain Tachi’s reputation in question.

The Exeter UFO Incident

Just after midnight on September 3, 1965, 18-year-old Norman Mascarella was hitchhiking home in Exeter, New Hampshire. As he walked along a dark road, a sudden intense light pierced the darkness.

Initially thinking it was a truck, he soon realized it was a massive object pulsating with an intense red glow, hovering silently above the treetops. Frozen in fear, he dove into a ditch as the craft glided effortlessly through the night sky.

  • Norman sprinted to a nearby farmhouse for help.
  • Officer Eugene Bertran responded, initially skeptical but soon convinced after witnessing the craft himself.
  • The incident became a national sensation, with investigations yielding no clear explanation.

Despite various theories, including secret military experiments, many believed it was something not of this Earth. Witnesses, including Officer Bertran, stood by their accounts until their dying days.

The Tinley Park Lights

On August 21, 2004, the quiet suburb of Tinley Park, Illinois, became the focal point of one of the most compelling UFO sightings in modern history. At approximately 8:30 p.m., three red orbs formed a perfect isosceles triangle, hovering silently above the town.

Witnesses described the lights as hypnotic, with a deep red glow unlike anything they had seen before. For nearly 30 minutes, hundreds watched in awe as the lights remained eerily still.

  • The official explanation from the FAA was vague, claiming no scheduled flights in the area.
  • The lights reappeared on Halloween night, intensifying the mystery.
  • Witnesses reported feelings of dread and missing time, common in alleged alien encounters.

Despite numerous investigations, the truth remains elusive. The Tinley Park lights continue to be one of the most perplexing UFO mysteries in history.

The Hudson Valley Sightings

In the early 1980s, the Hudson Valley in New York became the stage for a series of mysterious events. On March 17, 1983, witnesses reported a series of lights arranged in a distinct V-shape moving gracefully across the sky.

  • The sightings continued, with people from all walks of life reporting similar experiences.
  • One notable account involved night fishermen who saw a massive dark craft with no visible seams.
  • Despite media coverage and investigations, the mystery remained.

In the summer of ’84, a group of pilots claimed responsibility for some sightings as a prank. However, this explanation fell apart under scrutiny, as it couldn’t account for all the reports or the trained observers who witnessed the crafts.

The Kelly-Hopkins Encounter

On August 21, 1955, the rural town of Kelly, Kentucky, was thrust into the national spotlight. Billy Ray Taylor, visiting the Sutton family, saw a bright silvery object streaking across the sky.

  • As strange lights flickered in the distance, the family armed themselves.
  • They encountered small humanoid figures with glowing eyes, which seemed impervious to gunfire.
  • The creatures vanished before dawn, leaving the family terrified.

Authorities found no evidence of the encounter, leading to skepticism. Some suggested it was a hoax, while others believed it was a genuine extraterrestrial visitation.

Years later, a theory emerged that these beings might not be aliens in the classic sense but creatures from another dimension.

These five unbelievable UFO cases remind us of the mysteries that still linger in our skies. Despite government cover-ups and skepticism, the fascination with UFOs continues to thrive. Stay curious, and keep looking up!


Tom McKenzie

Tom McKenzie is the enigmatic lead writer for the Unexplained Network, a channel devoted to unraveling the world’s greatest mysteries and unsolved phenomena. With a knack for storytelling that blurs the lines between fact and fiction, Tom has become a master at weaving intricate narratives that keep audiences on the edge of their seats.


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